A list of Arena Augment IDs for League of Legends

Augment IDs are part of the League of Legends API and essential to display correct match data for every Arena (Cherry) game.
CommunityDragon hosts a file with a list of augments, but here is a list to quickly check the ids:


Augment IDs (Patch 15.3.1)

ID Icon Name apiName
0 Warmup Routine Warmup Routine WarmupRoutine
1 Vanish Vanish Vanish
2 Chain Lightning Chain Lightning ChainLightning
3 Typhoon Typhoon Typhoon
4 Self Destruct Self Destruct SelfDestruct
5 Serve Beyond Death Serve Beyond Death ServeBeyondDeath
6 Quantum Computing Quantum Computing QuantumComputing
7 Demon's Dance Demon's Dance DemonsDance
8 Defensive Maneuvers Defensive Maneuvers DefensiveManeuvers
9 Chauffeur Chauffeur Chauffeur
10 Marksmage Marksmage Marksmage
11 Light Warden Light Warden LightWarden
12 Blade Waltz Blade Waltz BladeWaltz
13 Willing Sacrifice Willing Sacrifice WillingSacrifice
14 Summoner Revolution Summoner Revolution SummonerRevolution
15 Ice Cold Ice Cold IceCold
16 Spin To Win Spin To Win SpinToWin
17 Banner of Command Banner of Command BannerofCommand
18 Tank It Or Leave It Tank It Or Leave It TankItOrLeaveIt
19 Witchful Thinking Witchful Thinking WitchfulThinking
20 Quest: Urf's Champion Quest: Urf's Champion Quest_UrfsChampion
21 Vengeance Vengeance Vengeance
22 Erosion Erosion Erosion
23 Stats! Stats! Stats
24 Master of Duality Master of Duality MasterofDuality
25 Light 'em Up! Light 'em Up! LightemUp
26 Searing Dawn Searing Dawn SearingDawn
27 Slap Around Slap Around SlapAround
28 Magic Missile Magic Missile MagicMissile
29 Spellwake Spellwake Spellwake
30 Center of the Universe Center of the Universe CenterOfTheUniverse
31 Phenomenal Evil Phenomenal Evil PhenomenalEvil
32 Big Brain Big Brain BigBrain
33 Vulnerability Vulnerability Vulnerability
34 Cannon Fodder Cannon Fodder CannonFodder
35 Ultimate Roulette Ultimate Roulette UltimateRoulette
36 Mad Scientist Mad Scientist MadScientist
37 Mountain Soul Mountain Soul MountainSoul
38 Ultimate Revolution Ultimate Revolution UltimateRevolution
39 Dematerialize Dematerialize Dematerialize
40 Frost Wraith Frost Wraith FrostWraith
41 Symphony of War Symphony of War SymphonyofWar
42 Trueshot Prodigy Trueshot Prodigy TrueshotProdigy
43 Eureka Eureka Eureka
44 Ocean Soul Ocean Soul OceanSoul
45 Circle of Death Circle of Death CircleofDeath
46 Quest: Wooglet's Witchcap Quest: Wooglet's Witchcap Quest_WoogletsWitchcap
47 Earthwake Earthwake Earthwake
48 Scoped Weapons Scoped Weapons ScopedWeapons
49 Bread And Butter Bread And Butter BreadAndButter
50 The Brutalizer The Brutalizer TheBrutalizer
51 Sonic Boom Sonic Boom SonicBoom
52 Twice Thrice Twice Thrice TwiceThrice
53 Celestial Body Celestial Body CelestialBody
54 Bread And Jam Bread And Jam BreadAndJam
55 With Haste With Haste WithHaste
56 Fallen Aegis Fallen Aegis FallenAegis
57 Holy Fire Holy Fire HolyFire
58 Feel the Burn Feel the Burn FeeltheBurn
59 Guilty Pleasure Guilty Pleasure GuiltyPleasure
60 Scopier Weapons Scopier Weapons ScopierWeapons
61 Buff Buddies Buff Buddies BuffBuddies
62 Raid Boss Raid Boss RaidBoss
63 Outlaw's Grit Outlaw's Grit OutlawsGrit
64 Don't Blink Don't Blink DontBlink
65 Shadow Runner Shadow Runner ShadowRunner
66 Infernal Conduit Infernal Conduit InfernalConduit
68 Back To Basics Back To Basics BacktoBasics
69 Prismatic Egg Prismatic Egg PrismaticEgg
70 Clothesline Clothesline Clothesline
71 Don't Chase Don't Chase DontChase
72 Soul Siphon Soul Siphon SoulSiphon
73 Gamba Anvil Gamba Anvil GambaAnvil
74 Thread the Needle Thread the Needle ThreadtheNeedle
75 Bread And Cheese Bread And Cheese BreadAndCheese
76 Impassable Impassable Impassable
77 Extendo-Arm Extendo-Arm ExtendoArm
78 Slow Cooker Slow Cooker SlowCooker
79 Die Another Day Die Another Day DieAnotherDay
80 Dual Wield Dual Wield DualWield
81 Spirit Link Spirit Link SpiritLink
82 Quest: Angel of Retribution Quest: Angel of Retribution Quest_AngelofRetribution
83 Contract Killer Contract Killer ContractKiller
84 Goredrink Goredrink Goredrink
85 First-Aid Kit First-Aid Kit FirstAidKit
86 OK Boomerang OK Boomerang OkBoomerang
87 Juice Box Juice Box JuiceBox
88 Scopiest Weapons Scopiest Weapons ScopiestWeapons
89 Slime Time Slime Time SlimeTime
90 Stackosaurus Rex Stackosaurus Rex StackosaurusRex
91 escAPADe escAPADe escAPADe
92 Fey Magic Fey Magic FeyMagic
93 Firebrand Firebrand Firebrand
94 Flashy Flashy Flashy
95 Nesting Doll Nesting Doll NestingDoll
96 Tap Dancer Tap Dancer TapDancer
97 Fan the Hammer Fan the Hammer FanTheHammer
98 Tormentor Tormentor Tormentor
99 Minionmancer Minionmancer Minionmancer
100 Ethereal Weapon Ethereal Weapon EtherealWeapon
101 Omni Soul Omni Soul OmniSoul
102 Dawnbringer's Resolve Dawnbringer's Resolve DawnbringersResolve
103 Hold Very Still Hold Very Still HoldVeryStill
104 From Beginning to End From Beginning to End FromBeginningToEnd
105 Can't Touch This Can't Touch This CantTouchThis
106 Snowball Fight! Snowball Fight! SnowballFight
107 It's Critical It's Critical ItsCritical
108 Blood Brother Blood Brother BloodBrother
109 Ultimate Unstoppable Ultimate Unstoppable UltimateUnstoppable
110 Recursion Recursion Recursion
111 Stats on Stats on Stats! Stats on Stats on Stats! StatsOnStatsOnStats
112 Deft Deft Deft
113 Goliath Goliath Goliath
114 Trailblazer Trailblazer Trailblazer
115 Accelerating Sorcery Accelerating Sorcery AcceleratingSorcery
116 Orbital Laser Orbital Laser OrbitalLaser
117 Mystic Punch Mystic Punch MysticPunch
118 Homeguard Homeguard Homeguard
119 Heavy Hitter Heavy Hitter HeavyHitter
120 Rabble Rousing Rabble Rousing RabbleRousing
121 Giant Slayer Giant Slayer GiantSlayer
122 Frozen Foundations Frozen Foundations FrozenFoundations
123 Critical Healing Critical Healing CriticalHealing
124 Apex Inventor Apex Inventor ApexInventor
125 Mirror Image Mirror Image MirrorImage
126 All For You All For You AllForYou
127 Keystone Conjurer Keystone Conjurer KeystoneConjurer
128 Laser Eyes Laser Eyes LaserEyes
129 Stats on Stats! Stats on Stats! StatsOnStats
130 Dashing Dashing Dashing
131 Fire Sale Fire Sale FireSale
132 Lightning Strikes Lightning Strikes LightningStrikes
133 Repulsor Repulsor Repulsor
134 Skilled Sniper Skilled Sniper SkilledSniper
135 Parasitic Relationship Parasitic Relationship ParasiticRelationship
136 Restart Restart Restart
137 Draw Your Sword Draw Your Sword DrawYourSword
138 Restless Restoration Restless Restoration RestlessRestoration
139 Dive Bomber Dive Bomber DiveBomber
140 Blunt Force Blunt Force BluntForce
141 Oathsworn Oathsworn Oathsworn
142 Flashbang Flashbang Flashbang
143 Summoner's Roulette Summoner's Roulette SummonersRoulette
144 Shrink Ray Shrink Ray ShrinkRay
145 Castle Castle Castle
146 Quest: Steel Your Heart Quest: Steel Your Heart Quest_SteelYourHeart
147 Executioner Executioner Executioner
148 Courage of the Colossus Courage of the Colossus CourageoftheColossus
149 Fruits of Your Labor Fruits of Your Labor FruitsOfYourLabor
150 Infernal Soul Infernal Soul InfernalSoul
151 Combo Master Combo Master ComboMaster
152 Mind to Matter Mind to Matter MindtoMatter
153 It's Killing Time It's Killing Time ItsKillingTime
154 Wisdom of Ages Wisdom of Ages WisdomofAges
155 Now You See Me Now You See Me NowYouSeeMe
156 Perseverance Perseverance Perseverance
157 Jeweled Gauntlet Jeweled Gauntlet JeweledGauntlet
A list of Arena Augment IDs for League of Legends

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