A list of Champion IDs for League of Legends

Champion IDs (or sometimes called keys) are a key part of the League of Legends API. They come in different formats and you can either use DataDragon or CommunityDragon to parse them into your application.

However, as it sometimes comes very handy to check the IDs manually, here is a list with all champion IDs, keys, their icons and their real names. Below the table there is a YouTube tutorial to parse that data yourself

Champion IDs (Patch 15.1.1)

ID Icon Key Name
266 Aatrox Aatrox Aatrox
103 Ahri Ahri Ahri
84 Akali Akali Akali
166 Akshan Akshan Akshan
12 Alistar Alistar Alistar
799 Ambessa Ambessa Ambessa
32 Amumu Amumu Amumu
34 Anivia Anivia Anivia
1 Annie Annie Annie
523 Aphelios Aphelios Aphelios
22 Ashe Ashe Ashe
136 Aurelion Sol AurelionSol Aurelion Sol
893 Aurora Aurora Aurora
268 Azir Azir Azir
432 Bard Bard Bard
200 Bel'Veth Belveth Bel'Veth
53 Blitzcrank Blitzcrank Blitzcrank
63 Brand Brand Brand
201 Braum Braum Braum
233 Briar Briar Briar
51 Caitlyn Caitlyn Caitlyn
164 Camille Camille Camille
69 Cassiopeia Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
31 Cho'Gath Chogath Cho'Gath
42 Corki Corki Corki
122 Darius Darius Darius
131 Diana Diana Diana
119 Draven Draven Draven
36 Dr. Mundo DrMundo Dr. Mundo
245 Ekko Ekko Ekko
60 Elise Elise Elise
28 Evelynn Evelynn Evelynn
81 Ezreal Ezreal Ezreal
9 Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks
114 Fiora Fiora Fiora
105 Fizz Fizz Fizz
3 Galio Galio Galio
41 Gangplank Gangplank Gangplank
86 Garen Garen Garen
150 Gnar Gnar Gnar
79 Gragas Gragas Gragas
104 Graves Graves Graves
887 Gwen Gwen Gwen
120 Hecarim Hecarim Hecarim
74 Heimerdinger Heimerdinger Heimerdinger
910 Hwei Hwei Hwei
420 Illaoi Illaoi Illaoi
39 Irelia Irelia Irelia
427 Ivern Ivern Ivern
40 Janna Janna Janna
59 Jarvan IV JarvanIV Jarvan IV
24 Jax Jax Jax
126 Jayce Jayce Jayce
202 Jhin Jhin Jhin
222 Jinx Jinx Jinx
145 Kai'Sa Kaisa Kai'Sa
429 Kalista Kalista Kalista
43 Karma Karma Karma
30 Karthus Karthus Karthus
38 Kassadin Kassadin Kassadin
55 Katarina Katarina Katarina
10 Kayle Kayle Kayle
141 Kayn Kayn Kayn
85 Kennen Kennen Kennen
121 Kha'Zix Khazix Kha'Zix
203 Kindred Kindred Kindred
240 Kled Kled Kled
96 Kog'Maw KogMaw Kog'Maw
897 K'Sante KSante K'Sante
7 LeBlanc Leblanc LeBlanc
64 Lee Sin LeeSin Lee Sin
89 Leona Leona Leona
876 Lillia Lillia Lillia
127 Lissandra Lissandra Lissandra
236 Lucian Lucian Lucian
117 Lulu Lulu Lulu
99 Lux Lux Lux
54 Malphite Malphite Malphite
90 Malzahar Malzahar Malzahar
57 Maokai Maokai Maokai
11 Master Yi MasterYi Master Yi
902 Milio Milio Milio
21 Miss Fortune MissFortune Miss Fortune
62 Wukong MonkeyKing Wukong
82 Mordekaiser Mordekaiser Mordekaiser
25 Morgana Morgana Morgana
950 Naafiri Naafiri Naafiri
267 Nami Nami Nami
75 Nasus Nasus Nasus
111 Nautilus Nautilus Nautilus
518 Neeko Neeko Neeko
76 Nidalee Nidalee Nidalee
895 Nilah Nilah Nilah
56 Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne
20 Nunu & Willump Nunu Nunu & Willump
2 Olaf Olaf Olaf
61 Orianna Orianna Orianna
516 Ornn Ornn Ornn
80 Pantheon Pantheon Pantheon
78 Poppy Poppy Poppy
555 Pyke Pyke Pyke
246 Qiyana Qiyana Qiyana
133 Quinn Quinn Quinn
497 Rakan Rakan Rakan
33 Rammus Rammus Rammus
421 Rek'Sai RekSai Rek'Sai
526 Rell Rell Rell
888 Renata Glasc Renata Renata Glasc
58 Renekton Renekton Renekton
107 Rengar Rengar Rengar
92 Riven Riven Riven
68 Rumble Rumble Rumble
13 Ryze Ryze Ryze
360 Samira Samira Samira
113 Sejuani Sejuani Sejuani
235 Senna Senna Senna
147 Seraphine Seraphine Seraphine
875 Sett Sett Sett
35 Shaco Shaco Shaco
98 Shen Shen Shen
102 Shyvana Shyvana Shyvana
27 Singed Singed Singed
14 Sion Sion Sion
15 Sivir Sivir Sivir
72 Skarner Skarner Skarner
901 Smolder Smolder Smolder
37 Sona Sona Sona
16 Soraka Soraka Soraka
50 Swain Swain Swain
517 Sylas Sylas Sylas
134 Syndra Syndra Syndra
223 Tahm Kench TahmKench Tahm Kench
163 Taliyah Taliyah Taliyah
91 Talon Talon Talon
44 Taric Taric Taric
17 Teemo Teemo Teemo
412 Thresh Thresh Thresh
18 Tristana Tristana Tristana
48 Trundle Trundle Trundle
23 Tryndamere Tryndamere Tryndamere
4 Twisted Fate TwistedFate Twisted Fate
29 Twitch Twitch Twitch
77 Udyr Udyr Udyr
6 Urgot Urgot Urgot
110 Varus Varus Varus
67 Vayne Vayne Vayne
45 Veigar Veigar Veigar
161 Vel'Koz Velkoz Vel'Koz
711 Vex Vex Vex
254 Vi Vi Vi
234 Viego Viego Viego
112 Viktor Viktor Viktor
8 Vladimir Vladimir Vladimir
106 Volibear Volibear Volibear
19 Warwick Warwick Warwick
498 Xayah Xayah Xayah
101 Xerath Xerath Xerath
5 Xin Zhao XinZhao Xin Zhao
157 Yasuo Yasuo Yasuo
777 Yone Yone Yone
83 Yorick Yorick Yorick
350 Yuumi Yuumi Yuumi
154 Zac Zac Zac
238 Zed Zed Zed
221 Zeri Zeri Zeri
115 Ziggs Ziggs Ziggs
26 Zilean Zilean Zilean
142 Zoe Zoe Zoe
143 Zyra Zyra Zyra


You need this script as the Riot Games or better the League of Legends API only outputs the ID of a champion rather than the name. Even tho this changed in match-v5, there are still several APIs not supporting this new feature and it is quite easy for you to get the full champion data using this method.


A tutorial for PHP is also on YouTube.


// fetch all patches
$versions = file_get_contents('https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/api/versions.json');
$versions = json_decode($versions, true);
$latest = $versions[0]; // get the latest patch

// get a list of champions for en_US for the latest patch
$json = file_get_contents('https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/'.$latest.'/data/en_US/champion.json');
$json = json_decode($json, true);
$list = $json['data'];

function getChampionInfo($id = 1) {
    global $list;
    foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
        if($list[$key]['key'] == $id) {
            return $list[$key];
    return false;

// Example
echo getChampionInfo(45)["name"] // outputs "Veigar"



There is a nice GitHub Gist which even allows you to change the language: gist.github.com. Otherwise, here is a "simplified" Javascript solution:

let championJson = {};

async function getLatestDDragon() {
   if(Object.keys(championJson).length > 0) {return champinoJson;}
   const versions = await fetch("https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/api/versions.json");
   const latest = await versions.json()[0];

   const ddragon = await fetch(`https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/${latest}/data/en_US/champion.json`);

   const champions = await ddragon.json()["data"];
   championJson = champions;
   return champions;

async function getChampionByKey(key) {

   const champions = await getLatestDDragon();

   for (var championName in champions) {
      if (!champions.hasOwnProperty(championName)) {continue;}

      if(champions[championName]["key"] === key) {
         return champions[championName]

   return false;


console.log(await getChampionByKey(45)); // outputs Array<Veigar>
A list of Champion IDs for League of Legends

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