PUUID, summonerId and accountId
The Riot Games uses three different Ids to keep track of a player. The PUUID, the summonerId and the accountId. All ids have their own use-case and are used for different endpoints.
Keep in mind that the encryption changes based on your API-KEY. This is to prevent the use several keys for the same projct.
What is the PUUID? - The puuid stands for "Player Universally Unique IDentifiers" and is the Riot Games Account ID that won't change if you transfer your account to another region. The 78 character long string is therefore pretty important when it comes to tracking a player across the globe. Additionally, it is connected to your Riot Account, so a Valorant player has the same puuid in Valorant such as on his League of Legends account, at least as long as the same key is used. Also, all "new" API endpoints are only using the PUUID, so it might relieve the summoner id at some point.
Field | Type | Note |
puuid | String | The "Player Universally Unique IDentifiers" is globally unique and has a fixed length of 78 characters. |
Read more about the release of the PUUID in a DevRel plogpost.
The summonerId is an Id for the League of Legends and is used in endpoints like summoner-v4, spectator-v4 or league-v4. This Id is unqiue per region, it will change when the summoner transfers to another region.
Field | Type | Note |
id | String | Also called "encrypted summoner id" or "summoner id". Id is unique per region. The length is up ot 63 characters. |
The accountId was used for the prior version of RSO. It is obsolete, currently not used in any active API. Therefore, it could be unnecessary to even store this id. As the summonerId, the accountId is also unique per region.
Field | Type | Note |
accountId | String | Also called "encrypted account id". AccountId is unique per region. The length is up to 56 characters. |