Using the summoner-v4 API
The summoner-v4 API is an important "converter" in the League of Legends API. This API takes any valid ID or summoner name as an input and will give you a precise overview about a user.
The response
Let's take a look at the response (summonerDTO) first, before we dig deeper into the different endpoints.
"id": "[encrypted summoner id]...",
"accountId": " [encrypted account id]...",
"puuid": "[encrypted puuid]...",
"profileIconId": 5467,
"revisionDate": 1663606611,
"summonerLevel": 500
The API response has seven different fields, including the name and icon of a summoner.
Field | Type | Note |
id | String (summonerId) | Also called "encrypted summoner id" or "summoner id". Id is unique per platform. |
accountId | String (accountId) | Also called "encrypted account id". AccountId is unique per platform. |
puuid | String (puuid) | The "Player Universally Unique IDentifiers" is globally unique and has a fixed length of 78 characters. |
name | String DEPRECATED | The summoner name. This field is deprecated, use account-v1 instead. |
profileIconId | Number | The id of the summoners profile icon. Read more about profile icon fetching. |
revisionDate | Number (unix timestamp) | Date summoner was last modified specified as epoch milliseconds. Events updating this timestamp are summoner name change, summoner level change or profile icon change. |
summonerLevel | Number | Level of the summoner. |
Please keep in mind that the ids are encrypted per key (app id).
There are several endpoints within the summoner-v4 scope. The response (summonerDTO) is always the same, but there are different ways to request a user. For example, you can request a user by their summoner name or puuid.
The base url is:
Please make sure to replace {platform} with your current platform.
By Puuid
You can also get a summoner using their puuid. All newer API endpoints are only using the puuid as an id, such as the challenges endpoint, which is only returning a puuid and not even a summoner name.
The request url is the following:
By summonerId
You can get the summonerId mostly from older endpoints, such as league-v4. You can also use the encrypted summonerId to get the profile stats of a summoner.
By AccountId
To use the by-account, you need the encrypted accountId.
Please keep in mind that there is currently no endpoint using the accountId except summoner-v4, so it might not be useful to use this endpoint.